Valutico now supports the Adjusted Net Asset Value (ANAV) valuation method, our first asset-based approach. This method typically provides the lowest valuation range as it calculates the worth of a company based on the value of its individual parts if sold separately, rather than its ongoing operations or potential future earnings.
Balance Sheet Integration: All balance sheet fields supported by ValuPlan are displayed as part of the book value for the last actual year.
Flexible Balance Sheet Adjustments: Users can easily adjust the balance sheet using either absolute numbers or by modifying the recovery ratio.
Default Valuation Method for Liquidation: The Adjusted Net Asset Value (ANAV) is now included as the default valuation method for companies in liquidation.
Valuation Overview Visibility: The Adjusted Net Asset Value (ANAV) is prominently visible on the Valuation overview page.
Export to Word and PowerPoint: The Adjusted Net Asset Value (ANAV) is included in the Word and PowerPoint export options for seamless reporting.
The Adjusted Net Asset Value is calculated as:
Adjusted total assets - Adjusted total liabilities
Navigate to the Valuation Overview Screen
Access the Valuation Overview screen from within a valuation.
Open the Valuation Method Drawer
Locate and click the "Valuation Methods" button on the top right of the screen. This will open a drawer displaying various valuation methods.
Scroll to the Asset-Based Approaches Section
Scroll to the bottom of the valuation method drawer. Here, you'll find a section labeled "Asset-Based Approaches."