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Product Guide
A concise guide for mastering the Valutico platform, ensuring clarity and ease with every step.
91 articles
Create a Private Company Valuation
Update the Valuation Date in a Private Company Valuation
Understanding How Valutico Handles Currency
Understanding How Industry Classifications Work
Managing Your Valuation and General Information: Edit or Delete Options
How Business Maturity Impacts Default Valuation Methods
Qualitative Assessment Feature
How to Include Counterparty Risk in Your Analysis
Adjusting Discounts and Premiums in the Qualitative Assessment
Understanding the Calculated Risk Factor, Cost of Equity Figures, and Discount to Trading Multiple
Understanding "Premium" and "Commodity" in the Qualitative Assessment Tab
How Valutico Determines the Weighting of Qualitative Assessments and Factors
Understanding the Calculations in the Qualitative Assessment
What are ValuPlan & ValuPlan Plus?
ValuPlan Rationale
P&L plan
Basic plan
Advanced plan
Cost by Function plan
Cost by Type plan
Co-Pilot for ValuPlan
Upload via Excel
Peer Group Data
Financial Projections
Refresh your dataset
Adjust your Time Frame
Managing Scenarios
EV-EqV Bridge
Valuation relevant cashflows
Tax Benefit Schedule
Financial Projections with Benchmarking Data
Normalization Adjustments for Earnings
Co-Pilot for Peers
Is there an option to identify potential buyers of my client's company on the platform?
How do I see the calculations for the Peers?
How can additional peers be added?
How does the platform define the peer group?
Why do some peers on the list not fit?
Why are some numbers on the Peer List blank although the data is available on another database?
I need multiples for some emerging market companies. The system recognizes them but does not have any data. Why?
Why are Medians being used instead of Averages for the Peer Metrics?
Why does my multiple on Valutico differ from other databases?
How many years are included in the historical data per company?
How is the Beta calculated?
Peers selection, Advanced Search
Flexible Beta Factor Adjustments for Peer Group Customization
Unlevered Beta
Corporate Tax Rate
Target Debt-to-Equity Ratio
Market Risk Premium
Levered Beta
Company Risk Premium
Risk-Free Rate
Cost of Equity Premium
ESG Adjustment
Debt Ratio
Equity Ratio
Marginal Tax Rate
Spread Over Risk-Free Rate
Cost of Debt
Pre-Tax Cost of Debt
Cost of Equity
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
Adjusted Net Asset Value (ANAV) Valuation Method
What does the grey bar denote across the different valuation methodologies? How can it be changed?
How can the parameters for a Valuation be changed?
How Valutico calculates the Interest Expense and Interest Rate for Adjusted Present Value.
Will the Valuation based on Transaction Comparables typically be higher?
Why does the LBO invariably seem to provide a higher valuation?
Why are the APV factors all defaulting to zero?
Is the beta for the CAPM unlevered?
What is Valutico’s solution for SME valuations where company revenues are in the 2m-10m range?
Why are some of the green dots to the left of the valuation range for the Trading Comparables?
Is the spread over Risk-Free Rate based on the valuation date or a historical average?
How is the debt generated in the report?
How is the gearing being computed?
What data does Valutico need to perform the analysis that it does?
Can Valutico perform Intangible Asset valuation?
Levels of Value